Greenways have been shown to increase the value of adjacent properties by as much as 5 to 20 percent.
For example, within a new development in Apex, North Carolina, new lots situated on greenways were priced $5,000 higher than comparable lots off the greenway. In Charlotte, national builders typically charge premiums ranging from $1000 to $5000 for $120,000-$200,000 homes bordering open space and greenways.
Many home buyers and corporations are looking for real estate that provides direct access to public and private greenway systems. Greenways are viewed as amenities by residential, commercial and office park developers who, in turn, are realizing higher rental values and profits. American LIVES, a Real Estate Research Firm, completed a national study of the top reasons that people choose their new home. Walking and biking paths are viewed as extremely important to 74% of buyers nationally. The Crosland Land Company, Charlotte, NC, surveyed 800 new and older Charlotte area homebuyers in 1993 and found that walking/biking paths that meander was the second most important amenity to buyers across all price points and buyer types. Additionally, greenways in Mecklenburg County can also save local tax dollars by utilizing strategies for managing community storm water and placing into productive use landscapes that would not normally be developed for community uses. The 2015 Plan for Mecklenburg County states that Mecklenburg County has a strong record of economic vitality and new jobs. Greenways will enhance the quality of life in Mecklenburg County and ensure long term economic viability. Tourism is currently ranked as the number one economic force in the world. In several states, regional areas, and localities throughout the nation, greenways have been specifically created to capture the tourism potential of a regional landscape or cultural destination. The State of Missouri, for example, spent $6 million to create the 200-mile KATY Trail, which, in its first full year of operation, generated travel and tourism expenditures of more than $6 million. Orange County, Florida spent $2 million to create the 16-mile West Orange Greenway and expects to realize a complete return on its investment in the first year of operation through the economic revitalization of the small towns that lie along the trail's route.
Greenway Name Mileage Status

Upper Little Sugar Creek 1.1 Existing
Lower Little Sugar Creek 1.3 Existing
Mallard/Clark's Creek 3.7 Existing
McAlpine Creek 4.1 Existing
McMullen Creek 1.3 Existing
McAlpine Nature Trail 1.7 Existing
McAlpine Cross Country 3.1 Existing
Mallard/Clark's Creek III 3.0 Planned
Torrence Creek 2.3 Planned
Irwin Creek 3.75 Planned
Lower McAlpine Creek 3.2 Planned
Lower McMullen Creek 1.3 Planned
E mail me at Nick@LakeandTown.com
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